Rodrigo Costa e Silva

Rodrigo Costa e Silva
Rodrigo Costa e Silva

Rodrigo Costa e Silva was born in Araçatuba-SP, Brazil. In 2003, he started his Bachelor of Chemistry at the University of São Paulo (campus Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil), which he completed in 2006. Then he worked for two years as a researcher to develop new fermentation strategies in a sugarcane company (Usina da Pedra, Brazil). From 2008 to 2016, he was technical director of a pharmaceutical company (PDT Pharma, Brazil), developing synthetic pharmaceutical products for photodynamic therapy. In 2018, he obtained his master’s degree in chemistry at Federal University of Goiás (Goiânia-GO, Brazil) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Pablo José Gonçalves. In 2018, he started his Ph.D. in photocatalysis at the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Kleber Thiago de Oliveira at the Federal University of São Carlos. Currently, Rodrigo is a guest researcher in the NRG group working with HAT photocatalysis.


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