Gabriele Laudadio was born in 1991 near Pescara, Italy. He received his M.Sc. degree in Organic Chemistry at the University of Pisa under the supervision of Prof. Adriano Carpita. In 2016, he joined the Micro Flow Chemistry & Synthetic Methodology group of Prof. Timothy Noël as a doctoral candidate. In 2020, he defended his thesis entitled “New synthetic methods enabled by photochemistry and electrochemistry in flow”, obtaining his Ph.D. degree with Cum Laude.
His research focuses on the application of Green Chemistry to improve synthetic methodologies, exploring the possibility to obtain organic molecules faster and in a more efficient way. This is achieved by combining continuous-flow microreactor technology with electrochemistry and/or photochemistry. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow and group leader in Prof. Noel’s group at the University of Amsterdam.
Dissertation: New synthetic methods enabled by photochemistry and
electrochemistry in flow