Timothy Noël

Timothy Noël is a researcher in the field of synthetic organic chemistry and technology, with a particular interest in the delicate synergy between the two fields. In 2004, Tim earned his MSc degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering before pursuing his passion for synthetic organic chemistry, which led him to complete his PhD in the field at Ghent University in 2009. Following his PhD, he traveled across the Atlantic as a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow to work with Professor Stephen L. Buchwald at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he gained valuable experience and expertise in flow chemistry. Upon returning to Europe, he joined Eindhoven University of Technology as an Assistant Professor in 2012, and later became an Associate Professor in 2017. In 2020, Tim was promoted to Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he is now the Chair of Flow Chemistry.

He coordinated the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN programs “Photo4Future” (2015-2018) and “PhotoReAct” (2021-2024). He is the editor in chief of Journal of Flow Chemistry and the current president of the Flow Chemistry Society.

His research in the area of flow chemistry was recognized with several awards, including the DECHEMA award (2017), the Hoogewerff Youth Prize (2019), the IUPAC-ThalesNano Flow Chemistry Award (2020), the KNCV Gold Medal (2021), ERC Consolidator Grant (2022), the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award (2022) and the ChemSocRev Pioneering Investigator Lectureship (2023). He was also named Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2024.

Get to know Tim better and read his Angewandte Chemie Author Profile.

You can also read a Young Career Focus Interview and his Engineering Emerging Investigator Profile.

Listen to Tim’s discussion with Lieven Scheire about research, his mission to make a greener chemical industry and his personal drive (Podcast is in Dutch only)

Full Professor
University of Amsterdam, 2020 – present

Associate Professor (tenured)
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2017 – 2020

Assistant Professor
Eindhoven University of Technology, 2012 – 2017


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010-2011
MIT-Novartis Center of Continuous Manufacturing
Advisor: Prof. Stephen L. Buchwald

Ph.D. in Organic Synthetic Chemistry
Ghent University, 2005-2009
Advisor: Prof. Johan Van der Eycken

M.Sc. Industrial Chemical Engineering
KaHo Sint Lieven, Ghent, 2000-2004


2024 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2023 ChemSocRev Pioneering Investigator Lectureship
2022 ERC Consolidator Grant
2022 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Lectureship Award
2021 KNCV Gold Medal (2021)
2020 IUPAC-ThalesNano Flow Chemistry Award
2019 Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs.
2017 DECHEMA Award” in recognition of his pioneering work on continuous photochemical conversion in microfluidic systems.
2016 “Thieme Chemistry Journal Award” for promising young professors at the beginning of their career.
2015 VIDI award (Netherlands Institute for Scientific Research, NWO)
2013 Marie Curie Career Integration Grant.
2012 VENI grant (Netherlands Institute for Scientific Research, NWO)Finalist European Young Chemist Award, EuCheMS Conference.
2011 Incentive Award for Young Researchers 2011 (Comité de Gestion du Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges).
2010 Fulbright – Hays Award.

Social profiles: Linkedin, Google Scholar, Twitter.

Download the complete CV of Tim.

Tim @ TEDxAUCollege