Matteo Leone was born in 1994 in Rome (Italy) . He received both his B.Sc. (2017) and his M.Sc. (2020) in Organic Chemistry at the University of Rome « La Sapienza » . During his M.Sc. he worked on [2+2] cycloadditions of allenes to enones with Ir and Ru photocatalyst under the supervision of Dr. Francesca Leonelli. Starting from March 2021 he is a Ph.D. candidate with the University of Paris-Saclay and the CNRS under the supervisione of Dr. Géraldine Masson. His Ph.D. is part of the Marie S. Curie ITN network PhotoReAct and it will deal with the synthesis of novel chiral photocatalysts for the development of asymmetric processes. As part of the ITN he is currently doing a secondment in the Noël group. Next to chemistry he loves traveling and spending time with friends.
E-mail: m.leone@uva.nl